Cultures of the World

Tales of Sacadia provides the Cultural Tapestry, a method to explore the development of unique cultures of Antiquity. Below are some cultures that have been created using the Cultural Tapestry.

The Myrgha

◆ Character:  Mercantile and greedy, the Myrgha are obsessed with an early economy that funnels wealth upward through a system of trickle-up economics

◆ Rule: Twelve Oligarchic Rulers with divine ancestry claimed, tying the richest families to a progenitor God named Myrghos

◆ Economy: A rich shipbound culture focused on trade and fishing, the Myrghos are known for their gram production

◆ Twist: Divinely opposed to their neighboring culture, Fengxi, after they claim he killed the God Myrghos

The Fengxi

◆ Character: A strategically placed trading culture with a focus on heavy strategic protection of their cities, the Fengxi are ready for a war they expect is coming

◆ Rule: Ruled by an immortal God-King, Fengshuan, who is actually a demonic shapeshifter with a hatred for all humans

◆ Economy: The strategic location of Fengxi allows heavy taxation of ships through the Door of Two Heavens, and provides wealth to the Kingdom of Fengxi

◆ Fear and Fae: The strange fears of the Fengxi have led to the creation of ghastly Fae, including giant hands that climb down off the wooden walls of Fengshuan’s fortress and into the surrounding city, where they will steal away children into the night for being irreverent towards him

The Shaugi

◆ Character: An ancient and byzantine culture of numerous city-states, the Shaugi persisted throughout the Age of Heroes and into this new age by being far enough away from any Arcane Fonts to survive the collapse

◆ Rule: A unique rule for each competitive city-state, most are ruled by a divine priestly class. Only priests are literate in this culture, and they are distinct from the peoples they rule

◆ Economy: Predominantly agrarian centers, each city-state producing a unique foodcrop such as Aloe Root, Corn, or Wellgrass

◆ Twist: Each city-state claims divine favor from their Gods by virtue of creating complexity (e.g., complex royal parades, Byzantine city planning)

The Tianqi

◆ Character: A somber and dying culture opposed to demons to the north, the Tianqi are descended from Shaugi. Their culture is already dying, at the end of its lifespan

◆ Rule: A priestly class of cultist rulers who secretly consume demon flesh to gain demonic powers, this cult of rulers believes that by becoming that which they hate, they may claim enough power to survive

◆ Economy: An agrarian, poor economy, the Tianqi man a giant wall against demons, consuming most of their economic growth

◆ Twist: Crumbling slums fill their cities while they try to hold back an onslaught of demons

The Olganyar

◆ Character: A small pirate city to the north of the Myrgha, the Olganyar are a new culture of sailors and traders - and now pirates

◆ Rule: A guild rule system elects a guild ruler to power every eight years, ruling over a confederacy of guild representatives

◆ Economy: A small economy of sailing and farming has been offset by the tax policies of the Myrgha (who hope to choke the Olganyar out of existence), and the Olganyar have responded by taking to piracy on their home seas

◆ Fated: The Olganyar believe they are divinely fated for greatness, and are aiming to prepare for a secret war with the Myrgha to take the world into their hands