A New World

Ready to Conquer

The World of Sacadia

The world of Sacadia is bursting with wilderness, and the beginnings of rumbling empire ready to conquer the wider world. Explore its depths and creations below!

Ancestries and Peoples


◆ Prolific: The dominant peoples on Sacadia, and by far the most numerous

◆ Industrious: Defined by their crafts and industry, weapons, and war, humans are natural-borne creators

◆ Plentiful: Uniquely able to breed with other heritages, though 3 of 4 offspring will be human

◆ Civilized: Push back against nature, humans are building the first empires, and carving their dominance into the firmament of Sacadia with blood


◆ Changeling: Slowly, uncontrollably shifting physical appearance (e.g., changing hair or eye color, or even changing sex) defines these changeling peoples

◆ Demon Kin: Descended from vampiric demons called Tallemar, Courters have an instinctive distrust of humans, and they often live alone

◆ Immortal: Immortal until they bond to another being through love, after which they die with the death of their partner

◆ Hidden: Courters often disguise themselves when they enter human lands, taking on a new persona every time


◆ Ancestry: Curiots represent a specific species of animal, taking on the appearance and characteristics of one species (e.g., Toadclan, Ravenkin, or Antfolk)

◆ Hulinari: Descended from shapeshifting nature spirits called Hulinari, Curiots are both a part of nature and set apart from it

◆ Nomadic: Representing the spirit of their ancestry, many Curiots prefer to live in small bands in the wild

◆ Animal Speakers: With a natural affinity for animals, Curiots can speak to the singular animal they represent


◆ Folk Spirits: Descended from Folk Fae, which are spirits unique to an individual culture. Fixerfolk reflect the cultural biases of the world they live in

◆ Puberty: Appear as human until they reach puberty, at which time they begin to change to reflect their divine heritage

◆Imperial Prevalence: Fixerfolk become more common the larger a civilization becomes - further reflecting the culture they inherit

◆ Culturally Distinct: Fixerfolk ancestries are unique to each culture - no two civilizations will have the same Fixerfolk!


◆ Forces: The child of human and spirits of nature itself, Sylnfolk are emblematic of the natural force that births them (e.g., Storms, Volcanoes, Moss)

◆ Emotional: Tied to their emotional forces of nature, and bound to the force they represent. Sylnfolk are naturally driven by their innate and inherent emotions

◆ Miraculous Birth: Sylnfolk can be conceived through simply witnessing the miracle of a force of the universe - and their upbringings are often difficult

◆ Font Ties: Closer to Arcane Fonts, Sylnfolk appear in increasing quantities, and with greater power

Fae, Spirits, and Demons

Wild Fae

◆ Divine and Random: Created by the pooling of divinity around natural forces, animals, or places

◆ Wild: Chaotic, powerful, and opposed to humanity

◆ Protectors: Very often, these Wild Fae protect the wilderness, either far away locations deep inside nature, or troops of animal spirits

◆ Immortal: Immortal until hunted and killed. Their numbers slowly dwindle

Example: Summer

The Hulinari of Wild Boar, Summer is the mother of Boar Curiots, and is a fertility spirit of nature. Delighting in hedonistic pleasures, she seeks to form herself into a true God by creating a cult of hedonistic worship through her clan of Boar children

Folk Fae

◆ Culturally Based: Created by the belief of a city’s people, Folk Fae reflect the superstitions of a culture

◆ Reflective: A mirror reflecting the superstitions of a culture, these can be good or evil - or both. They often reflect the morals of a people

◆ Power and Scale: The more people live within a culture, the more Folk Fae will appear  - and the more powerful they will become

◆ Lasting Beyond: Though Folk Fae reflect a peoples at their peak, they last beyond that people’s collapse - and often subsist in a civilizations’ ruins

Example: The Demons of Qianpo

The once great empire of Qianpo believed that eating human flesh would turn a human into a demon. After a protracted siege against their great rivals the Tianqi, they succumbed to this fate and became false demons. They now stalk the ruins of their Highlands under the rule of their King, Ager.


◆ Born of Gods: All demons were created at the end of the Divine Age during a war between Gods. Demons were created as soldiers to kill Gods

◆ Divinely Powerful: Incredibly powerful, demons have a natural, burning hatred for humans, and other divine creations of Gods

◆ Locked Away: Locked away in planes of existence far from ours, demons forever try to escape into the material world of Sacadia

◆ Secret Magicks: Demons are woven of pure divinity, and can create powerful new magicks by stealing divinity from other phenomena

Example: The Banshee

A demonic spirit of the old world, the Banshee is a powerful demonic force that creates a black secretion it uses to raise the dead into an army of its own.

Unique Locations

Old Ruins

◆ Two Ages: Ruins dot the world from two separate ages of history - the Divine Age and the Age of Heroes

◆ Divine Age: In the Divine Age, Gods ruled over nomadic bands of techno-arcane humans. Though these ruins are all but forgotten, they hide marvelous, divine powers within

◆ Age of Heroes: These Bronze Age ruins are from civilizations that collapsed when Arcane Fonts rained upon the Earth. These ruins are much more prevalent than their older counterparts, and they often still hold the Fae that represented the morales of the old people left behind

Example: The Dread Pits

The Dread Pits are the remains of the City of Teko Hara of the Olemaic peoples. Now filled with rare artifacts, these Bronze Age ruins still glimmer with life - and undeath

Mystic Sites

◆ Divine: Created by the pooling of divinity around sacred sites, mystic sites exist because enough people, at some point in history, thought them holy

◆ Powerful: These places now bleed raw divinity, creating unique geographies that reflect their holiness

◆ Giving: Mystic Sites provide places of protection, and holy blessings spring from them for the cultures that worship there

Example: The Rose Temple

The Rose Temple rises from the Moving Sands, a pink desert of rose quartz-infused dunes frequented by the nomadic Adu peoples. This temple, naturally formed of a massive quartz crystal, allows the Adu to talk to their God

Arcane Fonts

◆ Origin: Fonts rained down on Sacadia at the end of the Age of Heroes as tiny meteorites of pure Arcana. They exist in spite of any plan of the Gods

◆ Elemental: Whatever these meteorites touched when they hit the firmament of Sacadia, they became, and rapidly warped reality around them

◆ Radioactive: The closer to a Font, the more it will warp creatures, nature, and humans to reflect the element of the Font itself

◆ Breakable: Destroying a Font destroys its immediate effect, but creates lasting ripples of arcana throughout the world

Example: The Sap Font

A small Font that fell into a bit of sap on a tree, the Sap Font warps reality with amber and sap, creating a radioactive region of this unique arcane form. People who venture into the region are slowly warped by its magic into sap-like oozes without form