World of Sacadia: The Ruins of Teko Aua

Art by Joni Aikio.

These dead ruins choke Olgan’s Pass, their hasty burial  a testament to the withering of their now-ancient builders. The pass itself, a wide valley, winds through the mountains of Olgan. The weathered peaks of crumbling buildings fill the valley, and a wide lake pours through the stone teeth of towers to the lowlands below.

Teko Aua is an Olemaic ruin in the highlands to the north of the Ardus Yauga, situated within Olgan’s Pass.

Once a highlands Olemaic City-state constructed in the tradition of followers of Elmard, this was a merchant city, strategically located between the New Olem fauscha (where tin could be found) and the lands of Qian (where copper was plentiful). Rivers of copper and tin came on vast caravanseries of helk through the vibrant city, and the bronze that poured out of it made it a formidable leader in the region.

Like all cities in Olem, the city’s inhabitants buried Teko Aua in a landslide upon abandonment when the networks that bound the city to the outside world collapsed.

Today, Teko Aua sits a fair distance from its nearest culture, the Olganyar, who have forbidden entrance to the city for superstition of this ancient site.

A strange spire ruin, much larger than the ruins around it, stands testament to this superstition. Black tendrils of a strange plant now grow slowly outwards from this tower into the lakeside tundra, across the valley from Olganyar scouts who keep watch.

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